The Zembu Group is proud to provide Web hosting to our customers on a case-by-case basis. This tailored approach, provided through, allows each client to purchase a plan that's right for them.

Whether you're an individual with some digital pictures to show the family, or a company with concerns about high security, credit card processing, and shopping cart technology, can help.

Of course, you'll get the kind of service you've come to expect from the Zembu family of products.

Only Zembu Group clients are invited to use - we are not a huge hosting company that will just assign you a number and take your money. develops personal relationships with each and every hosted site's owner.

If you're interested in single-seat responsibility for your web presence, you've found it.
tel: 415-355-9832
fax: 305-489-5886
The Zembu Group | Zembu Web Design
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